People who come to the Bioenergy Balancing Center - South Bay
are able to heal their lives and regain their hope.
Bioenergy Balancing is healing work that addresses the whole person: body, mind and emotions. More...
Bioenergy Balancing can benefit anyone... from babies, to adults, to pets. More...
Elizabeth Williams is a Certified Practitioner of Bioenergy Balancing, as well as a lawyer, mediator, a wife and mom of two boys. More...
When you are feeling:
Digestive Problems
Digestive Problems
All manner of digestive symptoms have been relieved through Bioenergy Balancing, sometimes before the end of the session concludes and oftentimes, within 24 hours of the visit: queasiness, constant nausea, constipation, acid reflux, gas and bloating, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diarrhea, ulcers, vomiting, IBD- Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis symptoms.Headaches
Headaches can be debilitating and their dreaded onset can be a puzzle. Bioenergy Balancing can help inquire into possible nutritional instigators, like chocolate, caffeine, dairy, and it can inquire into other factors, like hormones or internal detoxification processes. For as painful and disruptive as headaches can be, isn’t it worth it to leave no stone unturned?Anxiety & Moods
Anxiety & Moods
Life can be stressful. Financial fears and fears of the future; abusive, past relationships, being overworked and physically depleted… there are emotional, nutritional, and physical reasons behind the anxiety, unrest, malaise, depression you feel. Releasing these negative emotions and experiences through the meridians and chakras during a Bioenergy Balancing session can be cathartic and healing.Nutritional Concerns
Nutritional Concerns
Dietary intolerance, including, dairy, gluten, wheat, soy, corn, nuts, etc., and other forms of toxins, parasites, etc. may all be identified using noninvasive and pain-free kinesthetic muscle testing. Clients whose cabinets are teeming with vitamins and supplements that promised improved health may also be muscle tested for their ability to absorb, digest and utilize vitamins, supplements, and efficacy of nutritional intake.
Skin Conditions
Skin Conditions
Often times, clients do not realize that strange symptoms surface: swelling, rashes, allergies, itching, and redness, after an emotional interaction/reaction or a stressful event. Bioenergy balancing helps the body to communicate what the emotional or stressful trigger might have been and to help release the negative energy (and, consequently, the physical symptoms) through the meridians and chakras.Hormonal Imbalance
Hormonal Imbalance
If your menstrual cycle has become unpredictable, if the bleeding is profuse or too frequent, if hot flashes plague you, if menopause is imminent and osteoporosis or bone density is a concern, Bioenergy Balancing sessions can help and have helped clients.
Bone & Joint Pain
Bone & Joint Pain
Back, neck, bones and joint pain may manifest as a reaction to an emotional or stressful event. Chiropractors make adjustments to the structure to regain proper alignment. Bioenergy balancing helps the body to identify the ideal position that would bring relief and then be open to making the shift at an energetic level. Inquiries may also be made regarding the health of the bones and joints: are the necessary ingredients for strong bones and flexible connective tissue available and being absorbed by the body? Is calcium absorption optimal? Are there signs of osteoporosis that could be averted?Hospital Procedures
Hospital Procedures
When a loved one experiences a health crisis, a traumatic accident or undergoes a medical procedure that requires hospitalization, it is not always possible to communicate with them to understand what they need or how they feel. Bioenergy Balancing provides a way to "check in" with the patient's energy field and inquire about the physical and emotional state of well-being. Sometimes, the act of clearing meridians and chakras on the patient's body is as cathartic for the loved ones as it is for the patient because it fosters a sense of hope and of connection when everything seems "out of control."What people are saying:

I had been experiencing bloat, intestinal gurgling and general malabsorption for several weeks. I went to see Elizabeth and she immediately put me as ease. More...
-- Ayoung K., L.Ac.

Before my appointment, I had been having difficulty falling asleep unless I had a glass(es) of wine or a sleeping pill. After my session, I slept like a baby! More...
-- Sheila, High Tech Marketing Professional

The first time we worked together we focused on migraine headaches. I was amazed at how she was able to target emotional times in my life in order to clear the energy around them. More...
-- Amy, Author & Book/Creativity Coach
How it works:
30 Minutes
- Suitable duration for any returning clients, including pets, seeking to check-in about supplements or on one, specific topic.
45 Minutes
- Offered to returning adult clients or first-time sessions for pets.
60 Minutes
- Appropriate duration for first-visit child clients and any returning adult clients.
90 Minutes
- First sessions for all adults and most children require 90 minutes. Many returning clients elect 90 minute sessions when seeking to address multiple, physical and emotional topics through meridian and chakra clearings.
The client will receive an invoice via Square, after the session concludes. Checks and Credit Card payments are accepted. Credit card transaction convenience fees are added to session fees.